Undergraduate Admissions

Other Students
Transient – You are a student who is regularly enrolled and in good standing at another institution and would like to take a course or courses which you intend to transfer back to your regular institution.
Non-Degree – A non-degree student is one who is not pursuing a degree program.
Dual Enrollment You are a high school student who would like to take college credit while in high school
High School Equivalency Diploma
Post-baccalaureate (Second Bachelor’s Degree) – You have earned your first bachelor’s degree, but would like to pursue a second bachelor’s degree.
Jackson State University is test optional for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years
Priority Deadlines: Traditional Students
Fall semester – August 24th
Spring semester – January 11th
First summer session – May 27th
Second summer session – June 27th
Deadlines: JSUOnline Students
Spring – 1st 8 Weeks – January 7th
Spring – 2nd 8 Weeks – March 4th
Summer – May 15th
Fall – 1st 8 Weeks – August 20th
Fall – 2nd 8 Weeks – October 11th
You have never attended a college or university, or you attended a college or university for the first time in the prior summer term.
You are entering JSU for the first time, but previously attended another postsecondary institution.
You are a non-US Citizen seeking an undergraduate degree. This excludes students graduating (or transferring) from a college or high school in the US.
You are interested in online degree programs and general education courses which allow students to conveniently earn a quality education and work toward achieving long-term career goals.
Learn about admissions for transient, non-degree seeking, dually enrolled, homeschooled, GED, and post-baccalaureate students.
Student Services
Veterans and Military Center | Disability Services & ADA Compliance | The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services
Related Links
Admissions Policies | Academic Calendar | Credit By Examination | Net Price Calculator | Tuition and Fees | Mississippi In-State Residency Status Change Application |Non-Degree Form | In-house Transcript Retrieval Form | Activate JSU Email and NetID | Admissions Transcript Retrieval Form| Term Deferral Form
Financial Aid | Registrar | Recruitment | JSUOnline | Scholarships
Jackson State University | Undergraduate Admissions | P.O. Box 17330 | Jackson, MS 39217 | 1-866-843-3578.